To be continue !!

  Namaste Public πŸ™ A big hieeee to my Littlethings Family. There is a love note for you all. Dear Public, In the recent time, you must have seen that I have been recreating the blog page in order to keep all the posts together in one page. In all this recreation I wasn't posting up with new content so as to avoid duplicate posting in near future. There is good news and bad news for all of us. I started off writing to live up the passion of writing my thoughts and conveying the same to others. Lessons learned are meant to be shared to help one. So, after a long number of years I finally got into blog thing. Perhaps with good time, I have learned about the Do's and Don'ts in starting of a blog. I don't want your and my precious time to get wasted in reading the repeated or re-posting of posts. And I believe to deliver good quality than quantity of posts. And in order to keep our connection alive and connected, I am planning something new and different apart from third pa

Who is it?

Namaste Public πŸ™!!

Hello and Adab!! 

  Welcome to ‘Ask yourself’ series.

A big Hiiiiiii to everyone.

Last week I saw a video on Tiktok app (of course before uninstalling it), a lady was talking about how Indians & others misuse/extra use of the punctuation while writing in English language. The first thing she mentioned was use of over dots after a word or sentence. Like in the previous post of Welcome week, I have used extra dots in the Hindi phrases. Kya kare adat se majboor hai hum.

          And the very next thing she said was about using extra letters in a word is what exactly I did in the start of this blog with the word – Hi. I don’t know many of you do the same thing of using extra letters in a single word. I do it, so as to the reader or the recipient can read the word exactly in the way I speak with same emotion and feelings.

(Ab kaun batega ussee, we Indians have their own version of English and we adapt everything easily and make our own version. By the way in India, we speak more English than other languages.) And we don’t follow any set of rules be it anything. (Language ho ya Lockdown)

At times, when I have something new or interesting thing to say or show I literally give sound effect like ‘TaaaaDaaaa’ along with the action. There is some sort of satisfaction in expressing or showing something with the sound effects. For example, Last week I have tried my best to prepare some snacks (out of curiosity) I literally served it with sound effect of ‘Taaadaaaaaa’ to my family (by the way- snacks were yummy). That’s my way of expressing. In the last posts of the Welcome Week blog, I may surely have done mistakes in grammar or in typing. Is it compulsory to be perfect? Who said it? When I decided to write blog one and half year back, I wasn’t sure about the time I have to give it or the way I write may not to be the correct way. But then one fine day in the last month, I searched ‘what is Blog?’ It showed results where it says blog is something where one can share their personal experiences like online personal dairy where conversational style of writing is been used.

So, let me ask you a question, while you are in conversation, you just talk like a robot or have some expressions? Bina haath move kiya,baath karthe ho kya? Do you keep a hard face while talking or you have smile or any kind of expressions of anger, bored and so on. The reason I am asking this question to you is does you think of perfection in a normal conversation or you have spent your entire life so far as a hard interview session. Because in an interview session, (we all have been taught in videos and other lectures) we have to answer perfectly to crack it and earn a big money at the end of the every month. But in the same interview videos, we have been taught to be confident. Confidence only comes when we pretend to be our self. (Isn’t it true?? Let me know). I have started to write posts to share my views and opinions not to prove my perfection. Aur rahe baath typing error and grammatical mistakes vo likthe likthe theek ho jayengay or else you all will be okay with the way I write and may be you start to like to read Hindi phrases too. Nobody knows the future. So I write to build up an unknown connection with the readers. I hope you all oversee my extra letters, dots, others mistakes and try to connect with my views and opinions in terms of expression.

Not everyone likes to read books but I like to read some (of course not the textbooks but novels and some facts) where the author describes everything so that the reader can connect with the characters of the story. For a very good reasons, the publication house who publishes the story written by author appoints an Editor to give a final edit to the story for perfect formation of the sentences with correct grammatical sense.

Here comes the big question –

Who is the Editor of your Life?

Does our life has an editor?

If yes, then who is it?

Not everything which comes in good packaging is good nor anything which has a bad cover isn’t beneficiary to us. A very famous and common quote we all must know is – ‘Don’t judge a book by its cover’. I mentioned it as ‘famous’ because every one of us know it but we don’t use it, so I even wrote ‘common’ in the end. We all wish to have extra-ordinary and perfect things only, but we shall never think about the common things in our life. Having perfect things isn’t bad but what about ordinary things? Why do we categorized everything so early? Organizing is a good thing but ignorance is not. Of course organizing is good but categorizing and organizing are too different things.

We all chase behind pursing things which are perfect already but few work hard to build and make up their own perfect things. Run your own chase. The Other person is not going to be happy with your good things. Remember you are not french-fries to make everyone happppppyyyyyyy.πŸ˜€ (But I love French-fries, but some may not). Everyone has their own definition for the word perfect and love. Some find love in food (simple sandwiches are perfect for them) and some find love in their pets.

To the question I asked before I believe ‘The Editor’ of our life cannot be any other person than our own self. The publication house thinks about its prestige and appoints editor for the final touch. But for some situation, our parents and good friends will advise us but they can’t rectify the mistakes done by us. We are responsible for our own mistakes and we can only rectify it by all means. I have heard many people saying – ‘Tuje samjh mein ayega jab tere saath aisa hoga.’ (You will know it better when it will happen to you.). This dialogue is very common and everyone uses it like anything. Of course, everyone knows their own good and bad. But one someone is giving advise, you can’t answer back with this dialogue because the other person will not like to drown into waters to experience the scene of drowning. Of course everyone learns their lesson at their own time but one doesn’t need to fall intentionally to experience the pain even when he/she can clearly see the pit from far.

Why can’t the person learn lessons from your experiences?

Will you charge for it?

Or do you want the other person to fall intentionally?

Or you want to be the ‘Asst. Editor’ of their Life??

A person ask for advise to get some alternative to solve their issue they are facing and vice versa (shares advices to help you out in some way with option to take it or not).They are not here to listen your attitude dialogues about their future lessons. So think before you speak but don’t overthink everything. Be yourself and be open to everyone in sense of learning. I don’t mean to share your every good or bad with everyone in term for being open to everyone. I admit I am dumb girl, I don’t think too much in sharing my daily life with anyone. All of the persons I know, they know a bit of my routine and personal life in some or other way. And I am sure, nobody of them gonna make me harm.

In the end of everything, you are the only one who can and has the right to edit your own life. It’s you who is going to fill up your good life with happinessss or tenssionnnn. Your own determination and dedication has the power to bring in change in everything you want. We usually are dependent on others for being happy, that’s not wrong in any way. Everyone needs a person or partner or family to share and live happily. But what if you are not in love with own self and your own life. Even if you have a partner or family but if you are not happy with your own self, then how you can be happy with them.

Ask your self – Who is it??

Everyone is important - People, plants, animals. Remember all together makes it world. Living together but with their own lifestyles is the key to peace. Nobody is the editor of the next person. The deer chases hard for its life but one mistake of ignorance and over-confidence is the opportunity of the Lion and then deer is gone. He was his own writer and editor. Find that ‘Who’ and decide the happy life you want.


(Picture credits : My Soul Sister - Miss. Laxmi Tamang (you can find her everywhere with the same name πŸ˜€πŸ˜πŸ˜ƒ )

Hope you liked it. Do hit the like button. Let me know your views in comment section. And share it with everyone. (akele gyaani mat bano πŸ˜πŸ˜€)

Stay tune for new post every Sunday. Spread Love and keep that smile growing.


Little things


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  1. That's one amazing with extra dot..........πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

  2. Too much relatable and educative. Waiting for your next blog... πŸ€žπŸ˜€

  3. Thank you for the extraaaaaa loooveeee :)

  4. Every Day A New Discovery About You...

  5. Hiiii fiiiiiiiii ladkiiiiii... by now u must have understood who is commenting. I agree with Ur views.. the end goal of any conversation or post is expressing urself to the person. A simple hi and hieeeeeeeee with a couple of smileys makes a hell lot of diff to me. I send/reply with a simple hie to someone whom I I don't want to converse with but at the same time not hurt the person without leaving a reply.. a bigggg hieeeeeeeeeeee with smileys is for my jigre jaanemaaan bestieess whom I am fond of irritating and talking to.
    One major feedback I get from my jigre ppl is my biigggg hieeeeeee with a dozen Smiley's in their inbox makes their day bright.. makes them feel bright. On the other side when I send a simple hie to my jigruu ppl they understand I am low.. it's just like how ppl tell others that they aren't feeling good by removing their do( another way of indirectly communicating Ur sadness to the entire world)
    As I said no the goal is to express urself in the best possible way across the table or in conversation.. what sense would it make to talk a perfectly framed grammatical sentence with great vocab but Ur unable to sell Ur product or convey Ur emotions or feeling.. useless right..
    No doubt grammar is imp. I am not saying Kuch b boldo. At the end it's marketing is all about how u sell Ur product and a perfectly draped product always gets sold 1st even if it doesn't meet the standards (quality). Saying so I what i mean is that one must find a right balance between draping the product ( grammar and vocab)a the quality ( speaking Ur mind or conveying emotions) coz a perfectly draped product without quality will sell initially but can't sustain, likewise if one doesn't make the product marketable or attractive no one is going to take it. Same logic applies every where be it s conversation or an interview or else where. Say u go perfectly dressed from head to toe for an interview but can't answer no one is gonna hire u. Also u answer correctly but don't carry urself well again no one is going to hire u coz it doesn't leave a good impression abojt u.
    So all I say is keep simple and sweet. That's what I feel is perfect.

    1. Oyeeee Ladkii :D
      Thank for your kind words. :*
      Suggestions are always welcomed.
      And yes simple and sweet makes it perfect in a approachable way.

  6. Hiiii fiiiiiiiii ladkiiii�������� by now u must have understood who is commenting ������ I agree that with Ur views.. the end goal of any conversation or post is expressing urself to the person. A simple hi and hieeeeeeeee �������� makes a hell lot of diff to me�� I send/reply with a simple hie to someone whom I I don't want to converse with but at the same time not hurt the person without leaving a reply.. a bigggg hieeeeeeeeeeee with �������� is for my jigre jaanemaaan bestieess whom I am fond of irritating and talking to.
    One major feedback I get from my jigre ppl is my biigggg hieeeeeee with ���������� in their inbox makes their day bright.. makes them feel bright. On the other side when I send a simple hie to my jigruu ppl they understand I am low.. it's just like how ppl tell others that they aren't feeling good by removing their do( another way of indirectly communicating Ur sadness to the entire world)
    As I said no the goal is to express urself in the best possible way across the table or in conversation.. what sense would it make to talk a perfectly framed grammatical sentence with great vocab but Ur unable to sell Ur product or convey Ur emotions or feeling.. useless right..
    No doubt grammar is imp. I am not saying Kuch b boldo. At the end it's marketing is all about how u sell Ur product and a perfectly draped product always gets sold 1st even if it doesn't meet the standards (quality). Saying so I what i mean is that one must find a right balance between draping the product ( grammar and vocab)a the quality ( speaking Ur mind or conveying emotions) coz a perfectly draped product without quality will sell initially but can't sustain, likewise if one doesn't make the product marketable or attractive no one is going to take it. Same logic applies every where be it s conversation or an interview or else where. Say u go perfectly dressed from head to toe for an interview but can't answer no one is gonna hire u. Also u answer correctly but don't carry urself well again no one is going to hire u coz it doesn't leave a good impression abojt u.
    So all I say is keep simple and sweet. That's what I feel is perfect��


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