To be continue !!

  Namaste Public πŸ™ A big hieeee to my Littlethings Family. There is a love note for you all. Dear Public, In the recent time, you must have seen that I have been recreating the blog page in order to keep all the posts together in one page. In all this recreation I wasn't posting up with new content so as to avoid duplicate posting in near future. There is good news and bad news for all of us. I started off writing to live up the passion of writing my thoughts and conveying the same to others. Lessons learned are meant to be shared to help one. So, after a long number of years I finally got into blog thing. Perhaps with good time, I have learned about the Do's and Don'ts in starting of a blog. I don't want your and my precious time to get wasted in reading the repeated or re-posting of posts. And I believe to deliver good quality than quantity of posts. And in order to keep our connection alive and connected, I am planning something new and different apart from third pa

Is a fit body really fit??

Namaste PublicπŸ™

Hello and Adab!! 

  Welcome to ‘Ask yourself’ series.

A big Hiiiiiii to everyone.

I know I am bit late for today’s post.  I usually write in the same day i.e. Sunday or mid night of Saturday (because I have turn into insomniac person since last 7 years). Because in the fraction of some hours, there is something I encounter new thoughts which can be included in the post.

Last week was a little mess. Every Monday I decide to write next post but I fail badly. There was a shocking news on last Sunday. Although it wasn’t a personal loss but still I couldn’t concentrate on writing the post although my topic was well decided when I started ask yourself series.

Do you guys have a bucket-list?? If you don’t have one, starting penning down now. Every one of us has main or major goal, but how many of you have shorter goals (bucket list). Zindagi sirf roothe roothe ek hasen khawab ke liye chod doge toh zindagi ke kuch khoobsurat pal kho doge. Have you seen any CV/Resume, usually an applicant writes – ‘to achieve company goals along with his personal goals’. There is a saying in Hindi, I don’t know kisne likha hai but jo bhe kaha hai ekdum sahi kaha – ‘Zindagi manzil se nahi raastho se hai’. Just like – ‘Life is a journey not a destination’. I have a long list of short goals. Even though if I complete one goal of it but not in proper way, I have decided to do it again. Think about it and starting doing it. You know why? Because when you are willing to achieve something a little bit of anything every day or every week or even once in month or even a wish to achieve it someday, you will keep on going to learn, to live in every moment then thinking of quitting it easily.

Let me clarify here one thing – ‘Talking about your faults or flaws isn’t weaknesses’. Last Monday I have posted a story on my WhatsApp story for asking some new job opportunities, so that if some can help about it by sharing some links or contacts can revert back. If I need help I need to ask. Right? The story was little quirky. Because I am okay to let people know that I need job and I am going to be unemployed soon. I really didn’t gave a second what would others think and blah blah. Itna sochunge to ek bhe story nahi daal paunge Whatsapp pe. Same morning, my dear friend was little angry on me that why do you need to degrade yourself. I replied – ‘Dekh, I have no problem in accepting things and I am not degrading myself’. To that she asked – ‘Are you ashamed of yourself.’ To that I replied –‘Why would I will be ashamed to myself, accepting reality has nothing to do with it. Although it says – keep smiling. If someone can’t help me, but they can smile if they find out it little quirky and I am just asking everyone to smile.’ Prior to it, she also fired me for a post on WhatsApp related to some beauty quote. I must tell you all that I am surrounded by very good friends who are very caring and doting at times. I have been in  a childhood where I have seen people talking non sense to my parents or where I have been mocked funnily about my skin colour by everyone.(My mother has always been kind to me in that case, she has defended every such situation.) See this topic is different, will surely talk about it in another post. Until then don’t think too much about it, just because assumptions and have half information is very much harmful. My end point is that there is nothing wrong in accepting what you are. I am not ashamed of being short and into brown skin and thin body. I only know the efforts I am making to turn healthy by all means. You measure healthiness by physical appearance, I simply don’t.


I have seen people concentrating on building up their body by spending hours and hours in gym. And Even I have been asked by many to join gym (As I am very underweight as per my age).There is a serious question to you public –

A Fit body is really fit?

A toned or built body is only fitness?

Is health is only about your body?

What about your mind? Your mind is on a constant run of thoughts.

Health has nothing to do your mind?


Last week, everyone was shocked to hear the suicide news of Bollywood actor – Sushant Singh Rajput. It was an unbelievable news. I have seen him doing serials to movies. He had a good choice of movies. We all have seen him growing professionally. Personal life toh chod he do, everyone is very much interested in gossiping about others things. But just after that, everyone was like – ‘He has so much of fame and money. Why did he do that?’ Seriously, you think Fame or money kya kar sakthe, when he was alone in his way. The news were around that he was in depression and few of his close friends have shared their thoughts about the same. I don’t know, whether he was in depression or not. But yes, Depression can lead to such drastic step of suicide.

  I have seen people where they are eagerly waiting for getting into relationship because unho ko laghta hai unke khushi uss insan se. But they end up in messy thoughts, confusion and all. Then mental peace comes into picture. I am not saying one shouldn’t find one, but just think, ascertaining your level of happiness will achieve when someone keep on pampering you without any mean in this harsh mean world. Is it correct to measure your happiness?

Who told you to measure happiness? And How?

Muje batao yaar. Akele gyaani mat bano. Even I want to learn that art, if it can help then you should share. Don’t you think?

 Look around, how many of them will accept you as you are. Duniya mei tum do insan banke rehthe ho, one as you are and the other to impress the people of life i.e. duniya walaaoooo.

    Think once. Once you are in real version of you, very few I repeat very few will stay back. Look for true companion than temporary love/ happiness. Vaise dekha jaye toh you have bunch of good family who has immense love towards you. Look for someone who can be your family not temporary tool for happiness.


People tend to relate happiness with terms. Aisa nahi hai Public. Everything which grows is not good. Too much of dependence and too much unwanted thoughts will start bothering your mind. A person has to be remembered for his good work .i.e. Karma and of course for his good soul. Money and fame agar tumhe diya jayega, so will you stop taking caring of your mind or of what your mother/dad thinks? Is it? Or else if you have a lot of money and fame, will the person who you have lost, will come back?

Such question raised to SSR death were disturbing. People tend to call a person ‘mental’ if they even share their thoughts about their feelings. Insan paise zyada hone ke wajah se nahi Martha, akele hone se dartha hai aur akele hone se, marna asan lagtha hai. Sucidial thoughts are not common but someone starts thinking about it there is few chances of going back. Because they think of suicide or other self-destruction thoughts, when they think that no-one cares for them by the actions of people around them. It isn’t a random thought, it a thought which is build up the actions of people of his life and other factors.

‘Yaar tu bahut negative sochthe hai, you keep on overthinking.’

    If someone is sharing thoughts, show some patience and listen them. If he/she stops sharing thoughts, they will eventually fall into depression. Stop giving such answer ke tu bahut negative sochthe and all. I will answer to your Why?

    Because when someone shares their thoughts with you, they do so because they feel that you wouldn’t judge them. But wait, you have judged them by saying that they keep on talking negative things all the time. Such answer will end up them turning into numb person. Of course sach bolna zaroori hai, but you can help them diverting their thoughts. When you encounter any person with such answer every each time, they will eventually turn more negative. Keep it calm and handle it with more love and care.

    One of you have asked on Instagram story – ‘what happened to all gyani who were talking about depression’? The post was about farmers’ suicide. Aisa nahi ke depression sirf paise walo ya bade logo ko hotha hai.

You have classified it as Farmers’ depression & Career depression. Depression is state of mind. The reason and factors behind depression is subjective. SSR suicide because of his own case of depression and farmers have suicided as there were no help from any way. They have lands and they are best in farming. Weathers are very disturbing, market is down, they don’t have money to repay loans and even to educate theirs kids and a depressing thought of spending money on farming or to feed up their families. They even don’t want their kids to carry on the financial crisis and ruin their futures.

    Yes. I am not a psychiatrist.

    Par galth kya agar if I am keeping up my thoughts. I am good listener. And I even expect everyone to be one. I know expectations are not good, but here it can be helpful to someone who needs help.

A fit body is combination of healthy body and peaceful and happy mind. Mental health is as important as your body. Aisa nahi hai ke people with fit body don’t die. Sudden shock, and game over. That shock he/she gets is related with mind not body.

I have seen number of people with perfect height, toned body, skin, packed with all beauty and intelligence but they are still looking up for mental peace. Some are very well fit by mind but weak by body. Immunity has more to do with body growth and free mind has more to do with good mind and soul. But if someone is struggling with mental peace, eventually the body will not stand for too long.

    Don’t judge too early. Small phrases like these have strong messages and little things like these affects more to life.

    Remember, nobody is born here to prove you but one has to grow every day to prove themselves that they are growing better in every next action.

Life is too unpredictable. Don’t bother someone’s mind by your harsh words which can’t be taken back. Anger doesn’t destroy others but it destroy your own self.

In Hindu Mythology, the Lord Shiva is known as ‘God of destruction of evil and everything on earth’ but he is also known as ‘Yogi’. He keeps on mediating for the betterment of world. Think, if he wasn’t mediating he would have destroyed each and everything in a fraction of seconds. He tends to keep his mind relax and solves every issue with good patience which ends into good result and lessons. I personally like the life stories related to Lord Shiva. In childhood, I have been praying to him without knowing anything about his struggle as God. Now, I believe every story of his actions and life cycle has more to do with mental peace and immense unconditional love.

Now, I realized I have ended up writing too long post. There is still more untold about the topic. Until then, keep it calm and relax.

Happy International Yoga Day.(by the way)

You can follow my friend’s blog to build up good body and relax your mind with some good yoga asnans. Do Visit her blog page and follow her on Instagram for more good contents.

Here is the link to her Yoga blog :

Remember – Health is all about peaceful mind, good soul and body & Happiness has nothing to do with your money.


Hope you liked it. Do hit the like button. Let me know your views in comment section. And share it with everyone. (akele gyaani mat bano πŸ˜πŸ˜€)

Stay tune for new post every Sunday.

Spread Love and keep that smile growing.




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  1. Neha, the way you defined fit body concept with SSR example is tell ki "khul ke jiyo with peaceful mind and lots of happiness".

    1. I am happy you liked it !!
      keep reading & keep that bright smile growing.

  2. l am in love with these motivational series.. these little things actually matters a lot. thankyou for sharing.

    1. I m glad you liked it. Keep showering love and keep reading sweetheart.


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